Tag Archives: risk

Lobular Carcinoma In Situ, a incidental finding, consider Tamoxifen

Lobular Carcinoma In Situ

  • Usually incidental finding at biopsy
  • Younger premenopausal women
  • 1% risk of breast cancer per year
  • The future cancer can appear in either breast
  • If surgery is to be considered, the procedure of choice is bilateral mastectomy
  • Tamoxifen can reduce future risk of breast cancer by 50%

Increased probability of developing a carcinoma of the breast

  • This can happen in 20-30 years after diagnosis of LCIS (Lobular carcinoma in situ)
  • 1% risk increase of breast cancer per year in someone diagnosed with LCIS
  • No role for sentinel lymph node biopsy.
  • Treatment for Lobular Carcinoma In Situ (LCIS)
  • Close observation
  • Consider repeat mammogram in 6 months.
  • Informed of increased risk of breast cancer
  • No role for re-excision, SLN or irradiation.
  • Tamoxifen should be considered with a nearly 50% reduction in cancer formation in women with LCIS
  • For patients who insist on a surgical operation – a bilateral total mastectomy would be the procedure of choice because the risk of breast cancer is equal on both sides.
Tamoxifen mechanism of action.  Breast Cancer.
Tamoxifen mechanism